
The 2020 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2020)


Event Date: Dec 15 to Dec 20, 2020


Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Symposium #122 ” Porous Materials: Synthesis, Characterization, and Utilization “

Symposium #123 “Catalytic addition and removal of hydrogen for upgrading oxidized bio-related and renewable compounds”

Symposium #127 ” New Directions in Homo/Heterogenous Catalysis of Hydrogen Production and CO2 Utilization “

Symposium #171 ” New challenges in energy chemistry “

Symposium #237 ” Photocatalytic Carbon dioxide Reduction “

Symposium #251 ” Metal-Ligand Cooperation for Bond Activation “

Symposium #299 ” Hydrogen-Materials Interactions: Activation, Storage, and Utilization from Molecules to Bulk “

Symposium #304 ” Inorganic Oxide and Hydroxide Nanosheets: Toolkits for Structurally and Functionally Designed Nanomaterials “

Symposium #305 ” Design of single-site and nano-confined catalysts for environmental and energy uses “

Symposium #389 ” Solutions to the Energy- and Environmental-Related Problems by Cutting-Edge Accelerator-Based Techniques “

Symposium #393 ” Triangle of Heterogeneous Catalysis, Surface Science, and Theory “